How to Remember Left and Right When Driving

Those that have trouble remembering their left from their right is very common. Usually, it’s not a problem, but when it comes to driving, it can cause issues, particularly for learner drivers taking directions from their instructor. Getting your left and right confused can become even more of a problem during driving tests.

An example of a typical instruction from a driving test examiner might be to ”take the next right”, or to ”park up on the left”. For those struggling with their left and rights, it can understandably be a bit of a nightmare, where the mind goes blank and you’re left with a 50/50 gamble on which direction to take. Here’s a few tips to help you remember your left from your right when driving.

Draw a ‘L’ and ‘R’ on Your Hands

Drawing a small L and R on your respective hands is a simple method for deciphering left from right. Write a small L and R in an area that’s easy to see when you’re holding the steering wheel in your usual place. This method is quite common as it provides a quick visual reference that requires little thought (ideal when driving).

Technique for how to remember your left from your right while driving. L (left) and R (right) written on driver's hands
Draw a small L and R on your hands in an area that’s easy to see when driving

You Read from Left to Right

But if you prefer not to write on your hands (or you’ve forgotten to), then another way to remember is to think how you read a page of text. In Western languages, we always read from left to right. So just imagine a page of text and think which side you would start to read it from. Again, it’s a quick and simple technique that takes next to no time.

To remember your left from your right, imaging reading a page of text
Imagine reading a page of text – you’d start from the left

Left or Right Handed?

Most of us tend to know which is our dominant hand and whether we’re left or right handed. If you’re left handed you’ll right with your left and and if you’re right handed you’ll use your right. Simply think what hand you use to write with and that, in turn will help you to know which is your left from your right. This method may not help those that are ambidextrous.

Determine your left from your right by thinking which is your dominant hand
Are you left or right handed? Think which hand you use to write with to determine your left from your right

Hopefully you’ll find one of these techniques useful for remembering your left from your right. They usually work well for learner drivers, but if you have some alternative suggestions, let us know in the comments.

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